12 Airport Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Hey guys! – It’s Brooklyn and bailey and today’s article is going to be an airport hacks article because we have been traveling a tonne lately….. 
I am not sure anyone truly believes that airports can be fun, so you have to find or create your own tips and tricks!
so we decided to make this article for you guys, so you guys can watch before or while you’re at the airport just for some fun hacks!!!!!

– But before we get onto the article you guys, be sure to be watching out on our social media, we’re letting y’all go on pieces and parts of our music and you can vote and have your say on what we put in our music. So be sure to check that out. 

12 Airport Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know
12 Airport Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know

1- Receive email:

– Now, let’s go on the article. When you book a flight you’ll receive an email with all of your flight details. I like to screenshot that and set it as my lock screen, that way when I’m at the airport I don’t have to go sifting through emails to find that information.

2- Remember The Location of Parked Car at the Airport:

If you’ve ever driven yourself to the airport, and you’ve had to park somewhere, you know what a struggle it is to remember where you parked after a long trip and a long flight so the best thing to do is take a picture of your parking space so that when you come back, you can just look at the picture and remember exactly where your car is parked. (alarm ringing) 


3- Get to the airport at least one hour before

– One of the tips we have for you guys is to get to the airport at least one hour before your flight takes off, that way you can get crossed through security lines, and during this period you must take care of your luggage and take something to eat Most luggage comes in the same three generic colors, red, black, and white, so if you want to be able to identify your bag when it’s coming around the carousel, just tag it with something really identifiable like my cheetah print little tag that I have right here, and then it’s easy to pick out when it comes around. 

4- So much tricky to handle suitcases:

– That short period at the airport is so much tricky to handle suitcases, so one trick that we learned is if you pull up both handles on the suitcases and put them back to back, it makes it so much easier to handle the luggage. 

5- Lines at the airport for security check

– Whenever you trying to choose the lines at the airport for security check, your intention is more with the left line because there are fewer people who choose the left lane due to the reason of right-handed. If you guys have traveled on an airplane before,


6- Throw away water bottles

one of the things they make you do is throw away water bottles that you have in your bag so we like to pack an empty water bottle so that way when we get on another side of security we can fill it up instead of having to buy the really expensive water bottles at the airport. 

7- bring a jacket

– When you’re traveling its always smart to bring a jacket because there are three uses for your jacket.

First Use Of Jacket:

The first one is to use it as a jacket to keep you warm because planes tend to be chilly. Trust me, I would know. 

First Use Of Jacket:

– The second purpose is to use it as a blanket for when you’re taking naps in the seats or you wanna take a nap in your plane, it’s just like a nice little warm comforter

First Use Of Jacket:

– Third use of jacket is, it proves the companion when it comes to using instead of a pillow to be relaxed at some point at the airport. you can. (upbeat music)


8- Bring hand sanitizer

It’s always smart to bring hand sanitizer to the airport because you’ll touch a lot of things and, like, MILLIONS of people have touched them and you don’t know where they’ve been so it’s smart to just hand sanitize every once in a while to keep you from getting sick while traveling. 

9- A Confession

Alright, you guys I have a confession. For some reason when I travel, I tend to think my breath smells terrible, and also when I ride the airplanes my ears get clogged up due to the pressure.

10- Pack chewing gum With You:

So one of the things that I do to help fix both of those problems pack chewing gum so I can chew that, my jaws moving and my ears won’t get clogged up, and also my breath is minty.

11- Contact wearer

If you’re a contact wearer like me you know that sleeping in your contacts can irritate your eyes, so I always wear my glasses and pack my contacts so that as soon as I get off the plane I can switch to my contacts and be ready to go for the day. 

12- Take something that will help you spend your time

If you are in a group, take something that will help you spend your time when you get bored. Me with my sibling always taking an inflatable ball to play with when we get bored at the airport.  but it also folds up really easy so that it doesn’t take up lots of space.

– Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you got some helpful tips for your upcoming round the world travels. Be sure to check out all of our social media to vote on our upcoming music.
How do you help stop your ears from plugging up during takeoff and landing? We have a tip for that! How do you manage multiple suitcases at once? We have a tip for that! Which lane of the airport at the security gate do you take? We have a tip for that and many more! These tips can be for anyone from all ages… from moms to fathers, brothers, sisters, teens, little teens, and grandparents! 
Please comment below with your favorite of these 12 Airport Hacks, and include any new ones we should have included!

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