A Letter to travellers community during COVID-19

Dear Community,
On behalf of our entire team Explore Nagar Travels Pvt Ltd, we would like to
personally show our support during the outbreak of the coronavirus,COVID-19.
Our team has been constantly monitoring the World Health Organization,(WHO)
Center for Disease Control (CDC), and local government websites, carefully sorting
through both facts and rumors.

What can travelers do to protect themselves and others?

1-Avoid contact with sick people.
2- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
3- Wash your hand often with soap and water with at least 20 seconds. If soap
and water are not readily available, us an alcohol-based sanitizer that
contains at least 60% alcohol.
3-It is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom,
before eating and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
4-Avoid traveling if you are sick.
5-Stay home , monitor your health, and practice social distancing for 14 days
after you return from travel. Social distancing means staying out of the
crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance
(approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.

The issue is larger then us

The pandemic reaches far beyond our small groups and is affecting communities,
both large and small, around the globe. At this time, we believe that it is
incredibly important to do our best to “flatten the curve” of this virus, and slow
it’s spread.
Although millennial travelers are often asymptomatic and not in great danger
when they show symptoms, traveling to rural communities where healthcare
systems are not setup to handle this pandemic is not something we want to
contribute to.


Equally devastating could be coming home to hug our parents, grandparents, or someone with weakened immune system, unknowingly spreading this virus. We want to avoid this at all coasts.

Trip Transfers Cancellations:

To go above and beyond industry standards, we have temporarily amended our
transfer and cancellation policy to allow our community to cancel their trips up to
the day before their departure to increase flexibility and make the right decision
for them personally.

As many tourist sites are closed, nations are shut their borders, and people are
being quarantined around the world, we are announcing the suspension of all
trips through May 27,2020.
Please know that our small team is working tirelessly to help travelers around the
country and will get back to you as soon as possible, If you have a concern that i
urgent, the best way to contact us is admin@explorenagar.com

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